
Hello! My name is Jordan, and I am the owner of Spriggits. I am a native (minus the first 18 months of my life) Mainer. and I have always been extremely passionate about the environment but really buckled down around the time Covid hit. I started making everything I could from scratch to avoid single use plastics. I started visiting my local refilleries, mending my own clothes, and even making my own soap! In 2022, after the semi-unexpected passing of my Father the summer of 2021 due to stage 4 metastatic cancer, the idea life can be over in the blink of an eye really hit me hard. I decided to stop waiting around and start living more fully. With the support of my friends, and family I launched my dream business. Spriggits combines my creativity and determination with my passion for positive climate action. It has given me an amazing outlet to express my interested, and values with my community.

Specializing in skincare, haircare and home solution, we only use natural ingredients which are primarily organic and vegan with the exception of beeswax. Some of the ingredients in our most popular products are grown or ethically sourced and collected by me, by hand right here in Maine! While our product line up is always under development our current offerings include cold process hand, body and facial soaps as well as a solid dish soap. We also offer scrubs, soaks, lotion bars, shampoo bars, and conditioner bars! Our customers have raved about the difference our products have made in their lives from waste reduction, toxin elimination, ease of travel, and quality. Clean and green personal care does not have to be dull and drab. Spriggits finds the beauty in nature and works cohesively with it to provide the most luxurious natural products for our customers. We are delighted to be a solution for so many in search of a more sustainable lifestyle for themselves and the planet.

Website: https://www.spriggits.com/

Social: https://www.instagram.com/spriggits.co/ or https://www.facebook.com/Spriggits


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