
It started with a question: Is it possible to tie-dye leather? They said no. I asked another and another, getting the same response each time. I had never worked with leather and after consulting with leather workers, I was told to give up before wasting my time. I learned a lot during this period and was quickly convinced that I had to try. I fell in love with leather for multiple reasons. Not only was it a sustainable and durable material, but it was also practical in the misty wet weather where I lived. Though, honestly, I think I fell in love with it because it challenged me. How far could I push the boundaries of what leather is used for and supposed to look like?

I discovered my passion for all things textile early in life while repurposing scraps of fabric from my grandmother and great aunts into clothing for my dolls. This lifelong love has led me to experiment with applying traditional textile techniques to leather such as batiking, shibori, and printing to name a few. Currently, I am playing with new ways to transform leather into sculptures. Starting small with sculptural jewelry pieces and working my way onto larger pieces for the home.

As an artist striving for zero waste, leather gives me the perfect medium to work with, embracing the raw edges and blemishes that would normally be discarded by mass manufacturing. These characteristics allow me to create unique, wearable art and one-of-a-kind designs. 




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